The ScreenSteps Blog for Onboarding, Training, and Enablement

How to Foster Employee Independence and Confidence

Written by Jonathan DeVore | Apr 9, 2024 9:23:08 PM

Do your employees depend on you for everything?

Your employees may be dependent on you if they frequently:

  • Ask supervisors for help or clarifying questions
  • Make costly mistakes
  • Take longer than expected to handle tasks

And as the savvy leader that you are, you want your employees to be more independent — but you aren't quite sure how to get them there

Using the Find & Follow Framework, ScreenSteps helps companies create an employee training program and digital guides that foster more independent and confident employees.

Luckily, you don't have to be a ScreenSteps customer to start creating a culture of independence in your business. 

Watch this 2.5-minute video for one thing you can do today that will help your employees be more independent workers. 

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Create a culture of independence

Having employees who are dependent on supervisors for every move creates a lot of challenges in your business. But if you can foster a culture of independence in your business, you're employees will become more confident in their work. 

As you continue creating checklists and other actionable SOPs, your employees' confidence will soar.

The ScreenSteps knowledge ops platform helps you capture and organize your SOPs. Employees can access these digital guides — including interactive articles like checklists and workflows — in as few as two clicks. That means better customer service in less time.

Ready to start writing your own checklists?

Download the free SOP template packet. The packet includes SOP templates and examples for checklists, how-to articles, and decision trees.