The ScreenSteps Blog for Onboarding, Training, and Enablement

Why you should have us load one of your training guides into ScreenSteps for you

Written by Greg DeVore | Jul 17, 2020 3:16:34 PM

If you are looking at ScreenSteps, you aren't just looking for a place to store information. You are hoping to improve how your business runs. Our goal is to help you make the best decision possible for your business with as little headache as possible.

We know that decisions like purchasing a new documentation and training platform happen in stages, and one of the first stages is deciding, "Is it worth my time to build a proof of concept in ScreenSteps?"

After working with many customers, we have found that allowing us to upload 1-3 example procedures for you into a ScreenSteps trial account will help you make a decision about whether or not to continue evaluating ScreenSteps in as little time as possible.

In this article, we will answer some common questions people have about uploading their example content and give you some tips for gathering examples to send to us.

Common Questions

"Why can't I just upload the procedures myself into a trial account?"

Some companies we work with just want to upload the procedures themselves. They ask, "If ScreenSteps is so easy to use, why can't I just upload these myself?" The answer is that when we prep an example procedure for you and your team, we aren't just going to copy and paste your content. ScreenSteps has a variety of tools that allow you to format your information in a way that will make it clearer for your end-users and allow them to follow the procedures in your ScreenSteps articles in less time and with fewer mistakes.

By having our team upload the procedures for you, you can quickly see how to apply these features to your specific situation, without you having to become an expert in all of the features of ScreenSteps.

As an added bonus, most of our customers use these example procedures that we create for them as the beginnings of a style guide that they can use for creating additional procedures after they subscribe to ScreenSteps.

"Will you sign an NDA?"

Yes. Just get in touch with our team and we will be happy to sign an NDA before you deliver your procedures to us.

"What type of procedure is best?"

Some people send us really simple procedures. Some send us really complex ones. We suggest that you send the procedure that, if improved, would have the biggest impact on your business. Here are some tips for identifying what that procedure might be:

  • Which procedure causes the most questions from our team?
  • Which procedure does our team make the most mistakes with?
  • Which procedure takes the most time to train people on?
  • Which procedure is most commonly used by our team?

"What if I don't really have my procedures documented, they are out of date, or I am embarrassed by how they look?"

We have literally seen it all. Some people have very detailed documentation when they come to us. Some have nothing at all. We have seen lengthy complicated Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint decks with graphics from the 1990s, PDF's that are 300 pages long, and anything else you can imagine. You will receive no criticism or judgment from us. We just want to help you move from wherever you are to where you want to be in terms of your documentation. Just send it to us as you currently have it.

"Should I update my documentation before sending it to you?"

No. Let us bring in the content to ScreenSteps as you currently have it. We can then update it in ScreenSteps. This will give you two benefits:

  1. It will be faster to get your example content into ScreenSteps, and
  2. You will be able to see how easy it is to update your procedures in ScreenSteps.

We guarantee that it will be easier to update your procedures in ScreenSteps then it will be to update them in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or whatever other authoring tools you are using.

"What format should I send my procedures to you in?"

We can handle most formats. Here is a list of suggested formats in order of preference from our end:

  1. Word files
  2. Excel files
  3. PowerPoint
  4. PDF
  5. Anything else

"How long will it take you to prepare my example procedures?"

It will generally take between 2-3 days to have your example procedures prepared. We will then present them to you during a Zoom meeting to discuss how we approached the procedures and to get your feedback.

"Can I modify the procedures after ScreenSteps creates them for me?"

Yes. The procedures will be uploaded into your own ScreenSteps trial account. You will be able to update anything we post there for you as well as create new procedures.

"Can I keep these example procedures after my trial?"

Yes. If you choose to move forward and activate your ScreenSteps subscription, you will be able to keep all of the content in your trial account, including the example procedures we prepare for you.

Let's get started!

Hopefully we have answered most of your questions. If you have any other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We know that once you see your procedures in ScreenSteps it will be much easier for you to see how ScreenSteps will make everyone's life in your organization easier, less frustrating, and more productive. So send them over to us in whatever state they are in. We are excited to work with you.

If you aren't already in contact with a member of our team, you can schedule a demo here.