Greg DeVore

By: Greg DeVore on July 8th, 2023

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Find & Follow Workshop: When to Run it on Yourself vs Hire ScreenSteps

Your company is implementing a knowledge base or knowledge ops platform. You want to launch the new software on time, so you’ve decided you need a plan.

And you’ve decided you want to run a Find & Follow Workshop to help you determine what knowledge you need to transfer to employees and what resources you need in your knowledge base.

The thing is, you’ve never run a Find & Follow Workshop before. So, should you run the Find & Follow Workshop on your own or hire a ScreenSteps expert?

In this blog post, I compare the experience and outcomes of running a Find & Follow Workshop on your own vs. hiring ScreenSteps to run it for you. Then I provide tips for when your company should choose each of those options.

2 options for running a Find & Follow Workshop

A Find & Follow Workshop is a strategic planning session that helps your company determine what your employees need to be able to do in their jobs. ScreenSteps developed this workshop as part of the Find & Follow Framework.

You can either run a Find & Follow workshop on your own or hire ScreenSteps to run it for you.

1. Run the workshop on your own

If you decide to run a Find & Follow Workshop on your own, you’ll want to learn the nuances of the workshop first.

To do that, download our free Find & Follow training guide and watch this webinar to learn how to run a workshop.

Find & Follow Workbook

2. Hire ScreenSteps to run the workshop for you

Alternatively, you can hire ScreenSteps to run the Find & Follow Workshop for you. Our ScreenSteps experts have completed dozens of Find & Follow Workshops with all different types of companies. 

With a ScreenSteps expert leading your discussion, you have someone who:

  • Knows what they are doing and which questions to ask
  • Takes the notes so you can focus on figuring out everything
  • Keeps your team on task
  • Helps you avoid missing any tasks

How the experience and outcomes compare


On Their Own

With ScreenSteps


  • Someone in the trenches
  • Answering questions (supervisors)
  • Someone fixing the mistakes (manager/supervisor)
  • Someone in charge of training the people in the trenches (trainer)
  • Same as on their own
  • Add a ScreenSteps consultant


  • Assign people to the different roles in the meeting (These are the responsibilities listed for the ScreenSteps consultant.)

When a ScreenSteps expert leads, they:

  • Facilitate the meeting, push back, and encourage you to dig deeper
  • Prevent the team from skimming over topics
  • Take notes
  • Organizing information


  • It’s cheaper

ScreenSteps experts:

  • Have a lot of experience in this so they catch red flags and prevent you from going down a rabbit hole
  • Finds the balance between not going too deep or just skimming the surface
  • Knows what the destination is so they know what they are trying to get out of this process

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When to do it on your own

While we recommend having a ScreenSteps expert run your Find & Follow Workshop — especially if you have never done one before — you can run the workshop on your own.

You may consider doing it on your own if:

  • You are confident in your team’s ability to leave no page unturned
  • Your procedures aren’t complex
  • Compliance and quality assurance aren’t an issue
  • Budget is an issue

Remember: Running a workshop on your own is better than no workshop.

When to run it with a ScreenSteps coach

When a ScreenSteps coach runs your Find & Follow Workshop, you have an outsider who can help bring perspective to what your team has been missing.

Consider hiring ScreenSteps to run your workshop if:

  • You have complex procedures
  • You deal with compliance and quality assurance
  • You’ve tried documenting procedures before and it hasn’t worked
  • You’ve never run a Find & Follow Workshop before

Get the most out of your Find & Follow Workshop

Whether you choose to run a Find & Follow Workshop on your own or you hire a ScreenSteps coach, the most important thing is that you DO THE WORKSHOP.

The Find & Follow Workshop sets your team up for a successful software implementation. It ensures you cover every role and responsibility for your employees so that you can create the necessary resources to support employees.

When you hire ScreenSteps to run the workshop for you, you have an expert to help you leave no stone unturned. Our ScreenSteps coaches are trained to help you dig deeper so that you don’t miss anything.

Ready to hire ScreenSteps to run your investment? Or are you still not sure?

Schedule a discovery call with a Find & Follow expert. They can help you figure out whether hiring ScreenSteps to run your Find & Follow Workshop would be worth the investment. They can also help answer any questions you have about the Find & Follow Framework and Find & Follow Workshop.

Talk to a Find & Follow Expert

About Greg DeVore

CEO of ScreenSteps

Interactive Flows

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