Jonathan DeVore

By: Jonathan DeVore on September 25th, 2022

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7 Steps to Building a New Hire Training Program

Picture a new hire training program. 

Most likely, you imagined PowerPoint presentations, quizzes, and hours of lectures. However, those training approaches aren’t always effective. It relies on employees perfectly remembering everything the trainer says.

But, that approach isn’t good enough for a company that can’t afford mistakes, is scaling, or is simply trying to improve employee performance.

In this article, you’ll learn how to build a streamlined training program that effectively turns new hires into employees who can do their job correctly, every day.

Specifically, I’ll introduce the Find & Follow program, a training framework we use at ScreenSteps, a knowledge base and training software company. 

This framework will help you train your employees to do their jobs while making fewer mistakes and improving their performance. These seven steps will help you build a new hire training program that helps you train employees in 30 days or less.

How to build a new hire training program (7 steps)

Step 1: Pick an audience

Step 2: Pick a topic this audience deals with

Step 3: Identify the actions the audience needs to do related to this topic

Step 4: Identify the basic information about that topic that would help the audience understand the context – create a course or presentation

Step 5: Document job aids/checklists/how-tos/etc. That will help the audience go through those scenarios and perform the actions

Step 6: Identify realistic activities/scenarios that would help the audience practice the actions

Repeat steps 2-6 until you’ve covered all the topics

Step 7: Define curriculum

Create a new hire training program that supports employees

Creating and running a new hire training curriculum is difficult. When you use the Find & Follow Training Framework along with a ScreenSteps knowledge base, you can onboard new hires to be more knowledgeable, consistent, and efficient in 30 days or less. 

ScreenSteps makes it fast and easy to write job aids and keep your articles up to date. Your employees can find the articles they need in as few as two clicks.

Want to see if Find & Follow is the right training approach for your company? Download the free eBook to learn how to build and run a Find & Follow Training curriculum.

How to Plan, Build, and Run a New Hire Training Program That Works Download

About Jonathan DeVore

Customer Success

Interactive Flows

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