Jonathan DeVore

By: Jonathan DeVore on November 30th, 2021

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Compliance Policies and Procedures: One Mistake to Avoid [VIDEO]

Is compliance important at your company? If you need employees to be compliant with policies and procedures, then you are probably nervous about mistakes resulting in:

  • Loss of money
  • Fines
  • Employees getting fired
  • Loss in trust
  • Audit findings

As the Director of Transformational Services at ScreenSteps — a knowledge base software company for documenting and sharing procedures — I've noticed one common mistake with compliance in businesses.

The mistake — the people writing your policies and procedures aren't focused on how people will use those policies and procedures.

Whether you are a company in the finance industry, customer service sector, or others, this 3-minute video provides insight into why it's a mistake to have people who don't use your guides, write your guides.

Then, I explain what you can do to fix it so your employees use your procedures to avoid mistakes.

Want to help employees avoid mistakes?

Compliance is the standard set for each industry. Your documented policies and procedures should be your biggest asset — not your biggest headaches.

ScreenSteps makes it easy for your end-users to be contributing authors. With permissions management, you can appoint experts to oversee and update specific guides. 

The ScreenSteps content creation tools make it fast and easy for anyone to write a clear help guide your employees can follow while in the workflow.

Interested in seeing how a ScreenSteps knowledge base could help your company avoid mistakes and maintain compliance? Schedule a time to talk with a ScreenSteps team member and learn how we can help.

In the meantime, you can learn more about how ScreenSteps helps banks maintain compliance by downloading the free guide below.

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About Jonathan DeVore

Customer Success

Interactive Flows

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