Jonathan DeVore

By: Jonathan DeVore on May 20th, 2021

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3 Ways to Use ScreenSteps After Your nCino Launch

The nCino launch went great. Using ScreenSteps, you were able to train your team swiftly and the employees grasped the concepts quickly. 

Now, employees are on their own with nCino and things seem to be going smoothly.

While ScreenSteps was a huge help in successfully launching nCino, you don’t understand how to continue using your knowledge base software. You know that it is a one-stop shop for all your nCino job aids and procedures, but what is ScreenSteps’ purpose beyond training your team on how to use nCino?

Using ScreenSteps for training is just the starting point for the searchable knowledge base software. As Customer Success Advocate, I’ve helped teams use ScreenSteps to keep documentation organized and eliminate mistakes in their companies as they grow.

After launching nCino in your company, here are 3 ways you can use ScreenSteps to continue to support your employees and the growth of your company.

1. Continue to support your employees

Let’s face it — your employees aren’t going to remember everything that you taught them in your training sessions. 

After your initial training, people should begin using nCino. They will begin to feel comfortable with the core processes and procedures. But, every so often (or perhaps very often) they will forget what to do. So they begin emailing or chatting with others asking for help.

Responding to a few questions a day is manageable for your internal support team. However, if 600 employees are forgetting even one thing a day, that begins to be overwhelming for your internal support team. They are in charge of helping everyone transition to nCino.

Plus, nobody wants to wait around for a few hours to get an answer to a simple question like, “How do I set up a short-term extension for 60 days?”

ScreenSteps is a solution to those questions. During training, employees learn how to search the knowledge base for answers. After training, employees can continue referencing ScreenSteps articles when they get stuck or need reminders.

This decreases the time to resolution of questions because the answers will be at your employees’ fingertips. It also ensures consistency and compliance because ScreenSteps is the single source of truth for how to use nCino.

Have your internal support team reiterate the importance of using ScreenSteps to find answers to your employees’ questions. Instead of adding screenshots to email and thoroughly writing out an answer in a Teams chat, your internal support staff can include links to ScreenSteps articles in their responses to questions.

Over time, this will decrease the number of questions coming in as employees learn to use the learning resources in ScreenSteps when they have questions. It will also help your employees transition away from needing internal support to answer those basic “how do I?” questions.

2. Fill in those learning gaps between your training events

Another truth we need to remember about training is that you aren’t going to be able to teach employees EVERYTHING during the training. There will be points that you miss. After all, we are only human. 

Depending on how often you host training events, it could be a long time before you are able to train most of your employees again. And attendance on follow-up lunch and learns may not be as stellar as you hope. 

ScreenSteps helps with filling in those knowledge gaps as employees can use it for continuous learning on the job.

There will also be changes as you use nCino. A few weeks after nCino is launched, you may begin to make tweaks to nCino based on user feedback. Processes and procedures begin changing, even slightly. Then nCino begins to change and employees begin having questions about what to do now.

For some of the bigger changes, you may want to run new training sessions (e.g. lunch and learns). But even then, people may forget what you train them on at these smaller training events. 

Most changes aren’t big enough to warrant a training event, but it still puts pressure on your internal support and L&D team who are assisting with nCino. Most likely, they are going to get overwhelmed after launch with questions in emails, team chat, etc.

As nCino changes, your Learning and Development Department or your subject matter experts just need to update the ScreenSteps articles or create new ones. These updated articles are available to employees immediately after you publish them.

You can also use the Notifications feature in ScreenSteps to let everyone know about the changes and explain what those changes are.

It will also be helpful to have ScreenSteps for when you need to onboard new employees who were not part of that initial training.

If you do continue using ScreenSteps, you will have an entire knowledge base with procedures and courses that these new hires can go through.

3. Support employees on applications outside of nCino

While you may have initially decided on ScreenSteps to help your employees learn nCino, ScreenSteps can help employees use any software and follow systematized procedures. 

You can continue to expand the use of ScreenSteps to support other procedures and applications. This is because you author policies and procedures in ScreenSteps, so you can write articles for any applications that require procedures for your company.

If you have other systems in your organization that don’t have documentation (or the documentation is scattered around), then you can begin to create and organize the materials in ScreenSteps. This will make ScreenSteps your one-stop shop for resources and information in your organization.

Consider what other software or systems in your bank are employees asking questions about or making mistakes in. What other systems are not documented?

Some areas and applications you may consider expanding your ScreenSteps usage to include:

  • Other Salesforce applications
  • HR system
  • ATM procedures
  • Other systems used in the branches
  • Policies and procedures for compliance

Note: With a ScreenSteps plan, you don’t pay a separate fee for each application with which you use ScreenSteps. Our plans are pay per user. If you expand into other applications, you’ll only have to pay for additional users you add. You can document an unlimited number of procedures and step-by-step guides.

How to fully integrate ScreenSteps in your company

You’ve put all this work into building up your knowledge base for your nCino launch. You want your employees to use the resources you’ve prepared. It's not because you need to feel good about the work you’ve done. (Although, it does feel awesome when people use your learning materials.) But it's because you need employees using the system correctly and efficiently.

When your employees reference your ScreenSteps knowledge base — whether that is to help with an nCino process or for aid with another application — it helps them avoid mistakes and get the job done quicker.

Plus, your employees are happier because they aren’t stressed about not knowing what to do or who to turn to for help.

ScreenSteps is meant to be used for your day-to-day tasks. Encourage your employees to use ScreenSteps to find answers to their questions. It will save them time as they form the habit of using the search capabilities to locate help articles.

If you are having issues with employees still reaching out to company leaders to ask questions instead of turning to your knowledge base, watch this 3-minute video. You’ll learn how to reinforce the importance of first searching your knowledge base for answers.


About Jonathan DeVore

Customer Success

Interactive Flows

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