Greg DeVore

By: Greg DeVore on March 28th, 2019

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Your Call Center Agents Don't Want to Feel Stupid [Video]


Call Center Managers often struggle with agent churn. Churn rates in the call center industry are extremely high, especially early on in the agent's time with the company. What many managers don't realize is that many of their agents "feel stupid". They are thrown into situations where they don't know the answers and are constantly having to either put the customer on hold while they talk to their co-worker, or pass the customer onto their manager. 

It doesn't have to be this way. In this video we look at how agents feel during training and their first few months on the job. We then look at an alternative approach that DOESN'T make your agents feel stupid.

Download the 2-page PDF cheat sheet to learn what training managers are doing to get new agents to production-level hold times in the first 20 days of being hired.

Read more:

Read how one Contact Center reduced Employee ramp up time by 75% using ScreenSteps.


About Greg DeVore

CEO of ScreenSteps

Interactive Flows

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