
Employee/Customer Onboarding, Training and Enablement

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Victor Rosado

Blog Feature

Guest Blog | Training

By: Victor Rosado
February 27th, 2020

This is a guest blog post by Victor Rosado, Senior Consultant, 'Salesforce Change Management and Training' at Valintry360 The most effective digital transformation training doesn't focus on the cool features of new technologies. It focuses on how people can use technology to support seamless business processes — and do their jobs better. What do you need to know?

Blog Feature


By: Victor Rosado
February 20th, 2020

This is a guest blog post by Victor Rosado, Senior Consultant, 'Salesforce Change Management and Training' at Valintry360 When a company is ready to adopt a new CRM, picking the right technology is only half the battle. Even the most advanced platforms can hold teams back if they don't know how to use them — which is why effective CRM training is so important. Without proper CRM training, companies risk low utilization rates, longer onboarding times and avoidable errors. To put it another way, effective CRM training could be the difference between a positive ROI, or an expensive, failed implementation.

Blog Feature


By: Victor Rosado
January 9th, 2020

This is a guest blog post by Victor Rosado, Senior Consultant, 'Salesforce Change Management and Training' at Valintry360 So you're implementing a new CRM and need to train your employees on it. You need them to know how to use it, want to use it and — most importantly — actually use it. The right training manual can help with all of the above while alleviating constant questions and emails regarding the new CRM. While you might already be familiarized with the new CRM your company is adopting or migrating to, your employees won't be. Remember, they didn't sit through the sales process or the C-Suite meetings regarding the new CRM. They're going into this relatively blind — and they're likely going to be reluctant to change.

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