
Employee/Customer Onboarding, Training and Enablement

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Blog Feature

Guest Blog | Training

By: Victor Rosado
February 27th, 2020

This is a guest blog post by Victor Rosado, Senior Consultant, 'Salesforce Change Management and Training' at Valintry360 The most effective digital transformation training doesn't focus on the cool features of new technologies. It focuses on how people can use technology to support seamless business processes — and do their jobs better. What do you need to know?

Blog Feature

Guest Blog | Customer Support

By: jdevore
December 18th, 2012

If you perform any type of customer service, your goal should be to help your customers be successful. Especially in today's Yelpified-social media saturated world where word of mouth marketing and customer loyalty can make or break you. But how do you know that what you are doing is really helping your customers be successful? How can you tell that your best tools and help-desk software are really improving the overall quality of your customer service? Coming up with the right metrics, and then being able to effectively track those metrics, can be tricky. But you need to do it, otherwise you'll never be sure whether your investment in getting the best customer service tools is really paying off.

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