Jonathan DeVore

By: Jonathan DeVore on December 14th, 2023

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How Does ScreenSteps Help Your Business?

How does ScreenSteps help your business? Isn't ScreenSteps just another knowledge base? What problem does it solve?

As the Head Consultant for ScreenSteps — a knowledge ops solution — I'm excited to introduce you to ScreenSteps and answer all of those questions.

Watch this 3-minute introductory video and then keep reading for more information. This overview will help you understand how ScreenSteps could be used in your business to solve the knowledge transfer problem.

A common business challenge: Knowledge transfer

Many companies struggle with knowledge transfer.

Why is that? They try to share knowledge via word of mouth (tribal knowledge) or by documenting their procedures. The problem is people often share inaccurate information when they transfer knowledge via word of mouth. 

While documenting procedures is a good plan, the documented standard operating procedures (SOPs) often get lost or go unused. This allows for existing documentation to become outdated and inaccurate.

So the most common approaches to transferring knowledge weren't very efficient. Transferring knowledge using tribal knowledge and outdated documents produced:

  • Longer training times
  • More mistakes
  • Challenges in implementation

Improve knowledge transfer: The Knowledge Ops Maturity Model

At ScreenSteps, we observed this struggle and thought there had to be a more efficient way to transfer knowledge across your organization. 

So we developed the Knowledge Ops Maturity Model. The Model helps you evaluate at what level you are currently transferring knowledge. And it helps you determine how to advance your knowledge transfer strategy. 

There are five stages in the Knowledge Ops Maturity Model ranging from the Tribal Stage to the Accelerate Stage.

Knowledge Ops Maturity Model

ScreenSteps aims to shift companies from relying on inefficient methods to a more efficient Guide Stage.

Knowledge Ops Maturity Grader

What is ScreenSteps?

ScreenSteps is not just a knowledge base. It's a comprehensive tool where you can plan, create, and assess the effectiveness of your knowledge transfer strategy.

It is a single source of truth where end-users know they can turn to get answers to their questions.

You can store all of your knowledge transfer resources in ScreenSteps including SOPs, reference guides, policies, call flows, and foundational training courses.

Think of ScreenSteps as your internal Google. Anyone with access can search and find a guide that can transfer knowledge to them instantaneously.

ScreenSteps tools

To help you transfer knowledge more intuitively, ScreenSteps has a variety of different tools. Here are a few of them:

How does ScreenSteps help? 

ScreenSteps' primary goal is to help your company transfer knowledge more efficiently. When you use ScreenSteps, here are some of the top benefits:

  • Simplifies tasks
  • Provides clarity 
  • Reduces mistakes
  • Ensures efficient knowledge transfer in organizations

Revolutionize your knowledge ops with ScreenSteps

There are many aspects of your business knowledge ops. And it is difficult to figure out how you can manage and transfer the hundreds of different policies and procedures in your business.

ScreenSteps simplifies your knowledge operations. 

Companies that have implemented ScreenSteps and followed our framework have reduced onboarding times by more than 50% while improving employee performance scores

Want to see how ScreenSteps works? Watch the pre-recorded demo videos to see ScreenSteps in action. 

Prefer to talk to a ScreenSteps expert? Schedule a time for a personalized demo with one of our ScreenSteps reps. Our experts can help you determine whether ScreenSteps would be a possible solution for the challenges your company faces. 

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About Jonathan DeVore

Customer Success

Interactive Flows

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