Employee/Customer Onboarding, Training and Enablement

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Miscellaneous | ScreenSteps Software | Turnkey Business

By: jdevore
April 4th, 2013

Feeling overwhelmed with work is an awful sensation. It's that same feeling I got when I had a huge project at school due the next day, and I was just getting started the night before. Kind of sick to my stomach, light headed, ready to cry at any moment, etc. But there's a huge difference between feeling overwhelmed at work and feeling overwhelmed when you were in school - in school you had to push forward and do all your work yourself until it was done. Now - you can just pay somebody else to do your work for you! So why don't you? Not only will you feel a huge sense of relief once you begin offloading jobs to somebody else, but you'll be able to focus on doing the jobs that only you can do! And that's the key to growing your business - handing off the mechanics so that you can focus on the core of your business.

Blog Feature

ScreenSteps Software

By: Greg DeVore
May 7th, 2010

We have been using Zendesk to manage our help tickets for quite some time now. This last week we switched over to Zendesk for our customer support forums as well. As we were going to be pointing more of our users to our Zendesk site we wanted to customize the look a bit. The main thing we wanted to do was have easy navigation between our forums and our documentation on ScreenSteps. Using jQuery this is pretty simple. You can use the technique below to add any tab you like to your Zendesk support page. The full details of how we did this can be seen in our ScreenSteps Live API manual. In this post I will just go over the javascript we used.

Interactive Flows

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