Employee/Customer Onboarding, Training and Enablement

Come to ScreenSteps blog to learn how to onboard, train and support your employees and customers.

Jonathan DeVore

Customer Success

Blog Feature

By: Jonathan DeVore
August 13th, 2021

When you decide to use ScreenSteps, the ScreenSteps team offers consulting services to help migrate your existing content into your new knowledge base.

Blog Feature

By: Jonathan DeVore
August 11th, 2021

In today’s world, we’re used to Google. If we have a question, then we can type it into Google and related answers immediately pop up. But how can we get that same user experience in our knowledge base?

Blog Feature

By: Jonathan DeVore
August 10th, 2021

When Learning & Development teams find ScreenSteps, they typically quickly understand how the employee enablement software fits into helping their employees in their daily workflow.

Blog Feature

By: Jonathan DeVore
August 6th, 2021

As you prepare to transfer your content into ScreenSteps, naturally, you want to make sure your existing learning materials and procedures aren’t lost. After all, you’ve put a lot of effort into those.

Blog Feature

By: Jonathan DeVore
August 4th, 2021

Step 1: Separate the Information from the Process Even if you don’t have standardized procedures for scheduling patients, your reps probably have some kind of process or flow that they use. Either they learned it in training or they developed it on their own with the information they used in training.

Blog Feature

By: Jonathan DeVore
August 3rd, 2021

Process maps and flowcharts are great for planning. But the feedback we hear from most people who use them as procedures is that they’re not fans.

Blog Feature

By: Jonathan DeVore
August 1st, 2021

1. eLearning delivery and management (LMS) A Learning Management System (LMS) is great for teaching employees something new and helping them gain a broad understanding of a topic. It can also be used to teach employees more in-depth concepts about something they already know a little about.

Blog Feature

By: Jonathan DeVore
July 29th, 2021

When people begin using ScreenSteps, the focus is often on the knowledge base and the search capabilities and some of the cool features like checklists, foldable sections, and decision trees.

Blog Feature

By: Jonathan DeVore
July 28th, 2021

1. Make a clear call flow for taking the call Design a clear patient scheduling workflow that your reps can easily follow while they are on a call.

Blog Feature

By: Jonathan DeVore
July 23rd, 2021

What is the “Change” Moment of Need? The Change Moment of Need is one of 5 Moments of Need. The 5 Moments of Need is a methodology created by Bob Mosher and Conrad Gottfredson to help Learning & Development teams identify the learning opportunities for employees.