Employee/Customer Onboarding, Training and Enablement

Come to ScreenSteps blog to learn how to onboard, train and support your employees and customers.

Greg DeVore

CEO of ScreenSteps

Blog Feature

By: Greg DeVore
August 21st, 2020

Life in a call center moves fast. As a trainer or director, it seems that there is always a new training issue that is cropping up. One task that can take a very long time is writing new call flows for your agents.

Blog Feature

By: Greg DeVore
August 19th, 2020

They have many names. You might call them call flows, call guides, call scripts, or tip sheets. Regardless of what you call them, they all have the same purpose - to help your agents know what to say, ask, and do. But, if we are honest with ourselves, not all call flows (that's what we will call them for the sake of this article) do a great job of this. Agents may complain that they are hard to use, they may continue to make mistakes even when they are using them, or they may not use them at all. Why? Because a lot of call flows are complicated. Sometimes you can simplify them, but sometimes the process the agent has to follow is complicated. And complicated things are hard to communicate. It would be wonderful if there really was that Staples button that could make everything "Easy", but unfortunately that only happens on TV.

Blog Feature

By: Greg DeVore
August 6th, 2020

So, you've decided that you need to move your training docs to an online knowledge base or wiki. You've heard of both Confluence and ScreenSteps but aren't sure what the real differences are and which one you should choose. In this article, I will try to highlight the differences between the two platforms and how effective they will be as a training and performance support platform in your business. Why should you listen to me on this subject? I have been working in the knowledge management industry since 2003 and have talked with many people who are thrilled with or frustrated with both Confluence and ScreenSteps, so I can point out what people love and hate about each platform. Now, please be aware that I work for ScreenSteps, but I am going to do my best to give you an honest comparison of the two platforms for the specific purpose of training and supporting your employees. If your use case is different, then this article may not be that useful to you. My ultimate goal is to help you make the right decision on a knowledge management and training platform for your business.

Blog Feature

By: Greg DeVore
August 4th, 2020

Are you considering WalkMe for your call center? It looks promising. The feature looks fantastic, but you are a little taken aback by the price? WalkMe comes with a hefty price tag, so you want to make sure you are making the right choice before you invest that much money. And so you have started looking for other options and that is how you ended up here. In this short article I am going to point out some key differences between WalkMe and ScreenSteps and how both can benefit your call center. I'm the CEO of ScreenSteps and have been asked this question a lot of times since ScreenSteps often gets considered along with WalkMe. I'm going to do my best to answer your question impartially, but obviously I have a bias towards ScreenSteps.

Blog Feature

By: Greg DeVore
July 31st, 2020

We talk to a lot of people who are currently using SharePoint in their organization for their knowledge base management - but they aren't quite getting the results they would like. The typical things we hear are: No one uses the knowledge base When employees search SharePoint they can't find the information they need A lot of information in SharePoint is outdated and it is hard to keep it up to date Even when employees find the right information, they often find it easier to just ask their manager what they should do instead of reading through what are often dense documents in SharePoint What managers are really feeling is frustration that they have all this knowledge in SharePoint, but it isn't benefiting their business. Employees are still making mistakes. They are still giving the wrong answers to customers. They are still asking their managers and trainers questions that they should be able to answer on their own.

Blog Feature


By: Greg DeVore
July 22nd, 2020

Before deciding to fully commit to ScreenSteps in their contact center, many trainers and directors want to know what could cause their implementation to fail? They have seen the case studies, heard the stories of amazing improvements other contact centers have achieved, and are excited about the potential! But, they are also scared that their ScreenSteps implementation won’t see the same kind of results.

Blog Feature

By: Greg DeVore
July 17th, 2020

If you are looking at ScreenSteps, you aren't just looking for a place to store information. You are hoping to improve how your business runs. Our goal is to help you make the best decision possible for your business with as little headache as possible. We know that decisions like purchasing a new documentation and training platform happen in stages, and one of the first stages is deciding, "Is it worth my time to build a proof of concept in ScreenSteps?" After working with many customers, we have found that allowing us to upload 1-3 example procedures for you into a ScreenSteps trial account will help you make a decision about whether or not to continue evaluating ScreenSteps in as little time as possible. In this article, we will answer some common questions people have about uploading their example content and give you some tips for gathering examples to send to us.

Blog Feature


By: Greg DeVore
July 8th, 2020

You're concerned that if you use scripts in your call center then your agents will sound robotic. We get it. In this article, I'm going to discuss the pros and cons of scripts and how to get all of the benefits of providing suggested text (or prompts) without the robotic downside of scripts.

Blog Feature

By: Greg DeVore
May 1st, 2020

We’ll explore the pros and cons of each approach, as well as the tools you will need for each one.

Blog Feature


By: Greg DeVore
April 3rd, 2020

With so many call centers switching to Work From Home setups, everyone's heads are spinning. Due to this new environment, you now face several challenges: Your processes and information are changing faster than ever. Your team is now spread out with no simple way to gather everyone together in the same room. Many of your agents are stressed about what is going on the world and fearful of what the economic impact will be on them and their families.