Employee/Customer Onboarding, Training and Enablement

Come to ScreenSteps blog to learn how to onboard, train and support your employees and customers.

Greg DeVore

CEO of ScreenSteps

Blog Feature

By: Greg DeVore
March 24th, 2020

With so many teams suddenly going remote, this is a hard time for workers, trainers, IT professionals and management alike. Providing security and stability for remote workers in these uncertain times is easier said than done; for many teams, there will be new technology, strategic shifts and lots of questions in the coming weeks. So, how do you support and train your workforce as they transition to a virtual environment?

Blog Feature

Training | Learning

By: Greg DeVore
March 16th, 2020

Because of the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19), many K-12 schools, colleges and universities are going through a transition they’ve never experienced before: a fully virtual learning environment.

Blog Feature

Customer Support | Documentation

By: Greg DeVore
November 15th, 2019

Customer satisfaction is a major goal for every business, and customer support is the foundation of that goal. But without adequate support, customer service can turn into a frustrating experience where your team is constantly putting out fires or wasting their time answering the same low-level questions. So what does it mean to have effective customer service? And where does a customer support manual come into the picture? At its simplest, a customer support manual is a set of resources provided to your customers to help them self-service basic support questions. It's built for an audience of customers, and its purpose is to decrease support requests by enabling customers to solve low-level support issues themselves.

Blog Feature

ScreenSteps Employee Training Platform | Call-Center | Ed Tech

By: Greg DeVore
April 3rd, 2019

The problem with documenting complex procedures and workflows Writing a simple "how-to" guide is easy. But, in reality, most businesses aren't dealing with "simple" procedures. Many procedures are complex, involving multiple steps, decisions that have to be made, sub-processes that need to be followed, and exceptions to the "normal" flow that need to be accounted for.

Blog Feature


By: Greg DeVore
March 28th, 2019

Call Center Managers often struggle with agent churn. Churn rates in the call center industry are extremely high, especially early on in the agent's time with the company. What many managers don't realize is that many of their agents "feel stupid". They are thrown into situations where they don't know the answers and are constantly having to either put the customer on hold while they talk to their co-worker, or pass the customer onto their manager.

Blog Feature

Call-Center | Ed Tech

By: Greg DeVore
February 7th, 2019

THE biggest challenge that we see companies encounter is getting started creating content. We see two camps: The "Document Everything We Can Think of" crowd The "Create the Perfect Plan Before We Start" crowd They both run into trouble. The first group starts out really strong, but quickly gets burned out. The worst part is they spend a lot of time writing articles that no one ever uses.

Blog Feature

ScreenSteps Employee Training Platform

By: Greg DeVore
October 29th, 2018

In most consulting engagements that involve any form of change management the consulting team is required to deliver some sort of training material to the customer. This often takes the form of a "train the trainer" approach.

Blog Feature

ScreenSteps Software | Training | Teaching

By: Greg DeVore
July 11th, 2018

If you have ever been on a backpacking trip, then you know that a backpacker has to deal with competing goals when packing.

Blog Feature

ScreenSteps Employee Training Platform | Call-Center

By: Greg DeVore
June 26th, 2018

What will this article help you do? This article is going to help you achieve better training results in less time by teaching you how to create clear training "Outcome Statements". What if I told you that you were lost? But then I didn’t tell you where you needed to go? How would you develop a plan? How would you know if you were making progress? How would you know when you weren’t lost any more? Create an Outcome Statement In employee training, you clarify the destination by creating a clear definition of the outcome you want to achieve. We call this an “Outcome Statement.” Getting this definition right can make all of the difference. An ambiguous Outcome Statement will make it difficult to create training materials, measure progress, and determine success. A clear Outcome Statement will help you know: Exactly what training materials to create Exactly what to measure Exactly when you have achieved success (or failure) Attributes of a good Outcome Statement

Blog Feature

By: Greg DeVore
November 1st, 2017

Are you getting ready to rollout a new CRM system, or to onboard some new employees? Here are four rules that will help you use ScreenSteps to improve the success of your training.

Interactive Flows

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