Employee/Customer Onboarding, Training and Enablement
Come to ScreenSteps blog to learn how to onboard, train and support your employees and customers.
Customer Success
Jonathan DeVore
May 23rd, 2021
Your company has been using SharePoint for a while now. While it has helped your company in some ways, there are some capabilities that you wish you had to manage your knowledge base. So you’re considering other options.
Jonathan DeVore
May 20th, 2021
The nCino launch went great. Using ScreenSteps, you were able to train your team swiftly and the employees grasped the concepts quickly.
Jonathan DeVore
May 16th, 2021
Your company has decided to use ScreenSteps for its knowledge base, which means your team of content authors will need to learn new software.
Jonathan DeVore
May 12th, 2021
You've been using Microsoft SharePoint for your company's knowledge management system.
Jonathan DeVore
May 6th, 2021
Your company has decided to outsource some of your call center operations to a BPO (Business Process Outsourcing). Good for you!
Jonathan DeVore
May 3rd, 2021
You recently finished training a new hire class. As the good trainer that you are, you decide to check in on the new employees. To prepare, you pull up your ScreenSteps analytics.
Jonathan DeVore
May 1st, 2021
Do you ever look at one of your work assignments and think, “How in the world am I going to accomplish this?”
Jonathan DeVore
April 27th, 2021
Growth is a good thing. And your company is growing. This is an exciting time to be a leader at your organization. But the transition can be stressful, especially as you prepare to hire and train new call center agents.
Jonathan DeVore
April 23rd, 2021
Do you have a plan for your end-users to let you know when something is missing or if something needs to be changed in ScreenSteps?
Jonathan DeVore
April 17th, 2021
You’re the pioneer of ScreenSteps for your company. You’re the Lewis and Clark set out on a new frontier. AKA: You are the Knowledge Champion.